1. FOOD: Asado, meat, empanadas, locro and many more
Buenos Aires not only has all the traditional dishes of the country, but also is turning in a gastronomic center in south America. The activity is growing month after month, and by the end of the year it would be inaugurated the The Market of Carriages, a gastronomic oasis in the heart of the city. The old building, built in 1900, will have 40 commercial premises, of which 70 percent will go to gastronomy, 20 percent to fresh and domestic and imported food products and 10 percent to articles and services linked to the market. It will have a gastronomic gallery with craft brewery, Argentine and international wine cellar, restaurants, typical food of countries of the region, artisan burger, bubble bar, restaurant, sushi, desserts, juices, coffee shop, ice cream shop, among others.
2. TANGO: milonga, passion, love, lessons, show!
If you like Tang or if you don't know what it is, you should come to Buenos Aires and find out! See it, listen it, dance it and love it: this is more than a folkloristic music, it's a small universe in a big city, full of secret places where your sense would be revolutionized.
3. ARCHITECTURE: contrasts, colors, story and vanguard
This is the only city in the world where you can feel that you are in south America and Europe, at the same time. Walking trough Buenos Aires streets can be a unique experience: you will see colonial houses, mansions, modern mall and huge skycrapers in the same neighborhood. From the colorful La Boca, passing by the historic San Telmo, to the modern Puerto Madero and the dynamic Palermo, Buenos Aires is a city full of beautiful diversity.
4. NIGHTLIFE: bars, afters & discos
If you have a young spirit, this is your city. In Buenos Aires you don't have to wait for the weekend to go out, every day you have a place to drink, dance and have fun with friend. As soon as porteños finish working until the sunrise, you can choose a place to have a beer, a sophisticated drink and move your body with the music you want. Tematic bars (a subway, a forest, a pharmacy for example) and infinity clubs with different types of music wouldn't let you go to splee for hours.
5. GREEN SPOTS: parks, parks and more parks!
Palermo is not only the the center of the nightlife, it's also the greenest neighborhood of Buenos Aires. Los Bosques de Palermo (Palermo's woods) dominate this area of the city, with a lot of activities, decorations and variations. You can play golf, go for a walk around its lakes, go onboard of pedalos in the waters, go biking, see free shows, relax of the grass, eat a choripan (sausage sandwich), visit its museums and the Rosedal, an iconic spot full of roses.
Buenos Aires is the city with the most bookstores by inhabitants in the world. The strawberry of the dessert is the Libreria Ateneo Grand Splid (Av. Santa Fe 1860), considered one of the most beautiful worldwide.
7. AVENIDA CORRIENTES: El Broadway porteño
The billboards of Corrientes Street Theater are first level. Right now they took the concept of Times Square and are widening the sidewalks and restricting traffic at night so that you can still enjoy more.
This is a national passion you have to experience. There is perhaps no city in the world where football is seen and played as much as in Buenos Aires. The metropolis, which with 13 million inhabitants is the third most populated in Latin America, is the one that has more stadiums with capacity for more than 10,000 spectators, about 36.
Also, you can play soccer in Palermo Wood or rent futbol field per hour, there are plenty of options in every neighborhood.
Walking arround Buenos Aires you can find a lot of free atraction to enjoy. From the Cabildo, to free entrance Musseum, to street shows, art galeries, la Casa Rosada, Florida Street and many more. Just go out, start walking and let the city guides you.
10. THE PLEOPLE: el porteño (citizen of Buenos Aires), the Argentinean and the visitors
The porteño is a character from every angle. Friendly, screaming, believing, super host, to much friendly?. We are very receptive with tourists and nothing cold. One reason why many feel comfortable to come to study or spend their vacations. And the rest of Argentineans you will find will always be friendly with you. Once you arrive to Buenos Aires, you will feel this good vibe and the energy will take every visitor and let them feel like you are also a porteño!