Trekking through the magnificent natural landscape of Tierra del Fuego are demanding challenges that fill the eyes with intense colors while the fragrances of the air, swept away by the icy wind, induce to satisfy the growing appetite in the most appropriate way with this incomparable limit: tasting an autochthonous dish facing the sea or with the sight nailed in the Andean peaks crowned with white.
Under the smoky chimneys that emerge from the roofs of Ushuaia, the warmth of the stove captures dozens of guests just landed or landed on the island, ready to enjoy the famous CENTOLLA (spider crab) of the Beagle Channel, the no less renowned MERLUZA NEGRA (black hake), MEJILLONES (mussels) Brown Bay or CORDERO FUEGUINO (Fueguian lamb) roasted to the stake. Most people try to discover the flavor of that enormous variety of crab with ten fleshy legs, a delight that had been detected by the Yagan people and fished long before the first European navigators broke into the virgin geography of the End of the World. The English religious Thomas Bridges had the privilege of becoming the first foreigner surprised by the capture of crabs and shellfish that the primitive inhabitants carried out with precarious means in the 19th century.
Today, that most desired ingredient, nothing less than the precious white meat that best represents Fueguian chefs - ricH in iodine and proteins and with minimum cholesterol content-, is always served fresh, natural, in the form of crepe, lasagna, cake, white wine, Milanese, like pate, stuffed in avocados and ravioli, transformed into pasta sauce, with rice or as ceviche. "Five minutes of cooking in boiling water are enough for the spider to whiten and be ready to add ginger, bay leaf and coarse salt. They only eat their shoulders and legs, "says Cristian Waisberg, chef at the Los Acebos hotel.
The offer of fish and seafood fills at all times in marquees, overflows the slates and fills entire pages in the menus of the restaurants of the city. Route 3 and the winding roads that take distance from the coastal coastline to climb the slopes of the Cordillera point towards the tracks of the ski center Cerro Castor and a dozen snow parks, where sleigh rides are imposed by Siberian dogs and the paladares rejoice with the fuyeguinos lamb, another delicacy that in these latitudes does not admit discussions.
However, at the foot of the Martial Glacier, between the elegant facilities of the hotel Las Hayas, the products of the sea maintain their hegemony. At least, that is clear from the gargantuan dinner, which starts with spider crab with salicornia pickle and continues with clam and chorizo of sea urchin caviar, raspberry vinaigrette and green soup, sea bass, trout, a sequence of intense flavors topped with black hake Smoked with peat, rabbit roll and raw lamb ham with Magellanic pepper.